Thursday, March 25, 2010

20th Anniversary of Life

Real quick.

Yesterday was such a beautiful one. Birthdays are so great because so many people tell you ‘happy birthday!’ and it just doesn’t get old. If it weren’t for cousins and cheese balls though it wouldn’t have been quite as good. And oh. It was.

So I wake up for work, get all ready to go, open the door to the kitchen and woah! On the counter right in front of me a gigantic tub of cheese balls with balloons and a cutely bowed-up present on top. Good morning to you too!

(p.s. Cheese balls are disgusting, so good, addicting, and tradition.)

Fast forwarding through work and dance and classes and reading textbooks in the library to the end of the day…

Lisa says we should forget homework and go to Zupas for dinner and then watch a movie. I say let’s! And let the movie be Batman Begins. So that’s what we did. We each three snuggled on the couch (not necessarily together haha) eating our delicious sandwich and salad to-go, and Christian Bale was out-of-this-world dazzling as usual.

I also got unlimited texting from Jameson, a really cool chocolate cookbook from Lisa (chocolate roulade, lebkuchen, and chocolate cherry cake coming soon to Apt #4 - please come), a pretty necklace from Aunt Teresa, snickers with a tiny toothbrush because “eating sweets is always okay as long as you brush your teeth after,” and even a ‘happy birthday’ pencil from the BYU Testing Center found in the depths of our couch. They’re creative those testing people. Let’s not forget lots of facebook well wishing. And of the best a singing voicemail from the family. I’m not embarrassed to say (okay I’m a little embarrassed to say) I listened to that thing… mmm… lots of times. I like it when that bass of Papi’s comes in. I don’t know why he sits at work and hides his bass under a bushel. He could go on tour. Actually the real reason I keep listening to it is because I forget which channel the big fat lady is on.

Channel 80 by the way. I uh, double checked.

1 comment:

  1. Staish-Pop and I came up with a new one: Learn the jive on channel five, and Uncle Joe on HBO. And talk about going on tour. You should have a blog signing soon! You are an amazing writer. An amazing 2-decades-old writer! Sheesh! Didn't you just surprise us by cominging so fast and being a girl?!
